Frequently Asked Questions
Where and when do you play?
Do I need to buy any equipment?
Where Can I buy a stick?
How do I join a team?
I've never played hockey before. Can I still play?
I'm a girl. Can I play?
I'm old/young. Can I play?
I'm not a Canadian. Can I play?
Am I guaranteed playing time?
Are your league's rules the sames as the NHL?
How much are the league fees and what do they include?
I'm a goalie/defenseman/forward and only want to play my position. Is this possible?
I don't get along with my captain/teammate. Can I be traded to another team?
If I am injured and can't play, can I get a refund?
Where and when do you play?
We play at the Jamsil Sports Complex Inline rink on Sundays for league games and on Saturdays for drop in hockey. You can get directions for the rink at this link. Occasionally we play tournaments at the Ogeum Park Inline rink. Directions for getting there can be found here.
Do I need to buy any equipment?
The only equipment you need is a hockey stick. If you are a goalie, we provide goalie gear and sticks. We give a mouthguard to all new members as part of your fee and encourage you to use it. We also recommend some gloves and shinguards. Some players buy special ball hockey shinguards, kneeguards, and cups but many members play without any protection.
Where Can I buy a stick?
Our league sells one piece composite sticks for 70,000w. There are shops under our rink and around the Seoul area that sell wooden and composite sticks. The wooden ones go for 40-50,000w while the composites are usually 100,000 and up depending on the model. You can find more information about hockey shops in Korea here.
How do I join a team?
For the spring and fall leagues, you have to register at our website and play in either some drop in sessions, the summer league, or the rookie camps, and pay your league fees before the deadline which will announced in the news section of our website. For summer league, and possibly a Saturday league, you have to register, pay your fees and you will be put on a team. For drop in hockey, you pay the day you play. The spring and fall leagues have a limited number of spots available for players. Currently we are capped at 112 players per season. The first pay are given a spot on the draft list and before the season begins, captains are picked and take turns picking players from the draft list until everyone is picked. You cannot join once the draft has been completed even if there are some spots available. For the summer season, we do a draft as well, but if players join late, we let them play with the captains deciding by consensus which team gets new players.
I've never played hockey before. Can I still play?
The league is open to all skill levels. That's why we have a draft. The better players get picked first, the worst players get picked last, but every team has a mix of good, so-so, and bad players.
I'm a girl. Can I play?
The league has had many girls play over the years and would like to see more sign up. One year the playoff MVP was goaltender Melissa John.
I'm old/young. Can I play?
We have several players in their 50s including spring 2012 MVP Scott 'Chubby' McDougall. As long as players are healthy enough to run around, age shouldn't be a problem. We've never had a teenager sign up to play and would have to see them before making a decision.
I'm not a Canadian. Can I play?
We don't care what nationality you are. Most of our members have come from North America but we've had several from Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and, of course, Korea.
Am I guaranteed playing time?
The captains are told that everyone must play roughly the same amount of time during the regular season. However, it is understood that during power plays, penalty kills, and the last minutes of a tight game, the better players will play a little more. In the playoffs the top line players may play a bit more but nobody should be sitting on the bench for long stretches of time unless they want to. Some players don't mind taking short shifts but if you feel your captain isn't playing you enough, you should talk to them first. If they don't listen then you can talk to one of the board members. Who are the board members? Find out at this link.
Are your league's rules the sames as the NHL?
No, but they are similar with a few big differences such as no offside, icing only in the last 2 minutes, games are 45 minutes long, and a few others. There is also no checking but players are allowed to use their bodies to protect the ball and to push players in front of the net.
How much are the league fees and what do they include?
Currently, spring fees are 160,000w, fall 140,000w, summer 70,000w, and drop in hockey is 10,000w. Spring and Fall fees include a t-shirt, a season ending buffet and booze banquet, and awards. New players also receive a mouthguard.
I'm a goalie/defenseman/forward and only want to play my position. Is this possible?
The captain makes the final decision on where you play but you should let all captains know your preference before the draft. You can do this at the rookie pick up session or on our websites Locker Room where there will be a thread before each season for players to inform captains about themselves, dates they may miss, and other relevant information.
I don't get along with my captain/teammate. Can I be traded to another team?
The spring and fall leagues have a trade deadline within a week or two after the season begins. Once the deadline passes, no trades can me made and you'll be stuck with your team until the end of the season. You should inform all captains about potential conflicts with other league members before the draft begins in person or in the Locker Room, but you may have to bite the bullet and play with some people you don't care for.
If I am injured and can't play, can I get a refund?
No, injuries are part of the game, but we may be willing to make an exception if the circumstances warrant it such as a death in the family or a freak injury the first week of the season.