Phillies Pub
Route 66


Spring 2023 Registration Info

on Feb 15th 2023
Spring 2023 Registration Info The Spring 2023 season is just around the corner. This contains all the info you'll need to sign up for the upcoming season. The season will be start on Sunday March 5th. As usual, there will be two rookie games prior to the season starting. All rookies MUST attend at least one rookie game to be eligible for the draft on March 4th. ROOKIES PLEASE ...

Fall 2022 Schedule Update

on Aug 22nd 2022
Due to Sports Complex Construction, we have to push back the start of the season to September 4. The draft party will still take place on August 27 at Monstars Bar. Be there by 5pm and the draft will kick off sometime between 5 and 6pm.

2022 Fall CBHK Season Announcement:

on Aug 13th 2022
2022 Fall CBHK Season Announcement: We are currently accepting fees for the 2022 Fall Season which will begin on August 28 and go till Saturday Dec 5, a 10 week regular season and 3 weeks for playoffs with no hockey Chuseok weekend (Sep 11) or the long weekend of Oct 9. Fees are 160,000w per player if paid before Aug 22 (earlybird fee) and 170,00 from Aug 22 up to the draft on Aug 27. ...

CBHK Spring 2022 Draft and Week 1 Details

on Mar 4th 2022
CBHK Members.

This Weekend (both Saturday & Sunday) is the first week of the CBHK Spring 2022 season.

Saturday is the second rookie pick-up game which is the final time for first timers to come to the rink and show their stuff to the captains. Times are 12:00 to 15:00.

After the pick-up there will be a Draft event at Gogi Boys in Haebongcheon (address bel...

Spring 2022 Season Schedule

on Feb 25th 2022
Here is the final schedule for the Spring 2022 Season. If you have not yet registered please do ASAP. Information can be found in the posts below.

Spring 2022 Rookie Tournament Saturday February 26 Rookie Pickup/Draft Saturday March 5 Week 1 Sunday March 6 Week 2 Sunday...

CBHK in Jeju 04/02/2022 Sign Up Form

on Feb 24th 2022
On Saturday April 02, 2022 the CBHK is going on the road for a special tournament in Jeju to play with the folks in the Jeju Ball Hockey League. We will send 2-3 teams. Anyone is welcome to sign up. We will organizing the squads fairly. The tournament entry fees are 20,000 won. Everyone is responsible their own air fair. More details to come.

Spring 2022 Season Begins 03/06/2022
on Feb 9th 2022
CBHK Members,

The CBHK 2022 Spring season is going to start up on March 6th in less than a month. League fees will be 100,000won for the season with some of the extra funds going to the human fund. If you want to play please send money to Shinhan bank account 110-361-331157 Petit Cory and let Cory know. Also let a board member know so you can be added to the player list. You can also...

Fall 2021 Season Will Start Oct 17th

on Oct 8th 2021
It is short notice but the CBHK Fall 2021 season will begin next week on Sunday Oct 17th .   The draft will be the day before. We are playing a 7 week (plus an additional 3 weeks of playoffs) season and we will have 6 teams.    There are strict COVID-19 rules. 80% of people at the rink need to be double vaccinated and sometime in the next week we will r...

COVID-19 Restrictions Push Fall 2021 Season to October

on Sep 3rd 2021
CBHK League Members,

Unfortunately restrictions have been extended in Seoul and we have been informed by the rink management that we cannot play until at least October 3rd 2021.

We will be working hard to have a shortened season start as soon and as as quickly as possible.

Stay safe.

- The CBHK Board.

An Update Regarding The Fall 2021 Season (Nothing before 09/11)

on Aug 24th 2021
The Sports Complex manager has informed us that that are not taking any bookings for at least another week and that we will not be able to book the rink before Saturday September 11th. That could also be extended longer.

This means our season will be shorter than usual. We are still waiting to know when we can start it.

Playing over Chusok (September...

CBHK: Spring 2021 Finals and Free Pick-Up Info / Semi-Finals Infractions and Suspensions notice.

on Jun 11th 2021
CBHK Spring 2021 members,

This Saturday at 2:00pm is the CBHK Spring 2021 Finals between the Human Begins and the Urkels. Before the games there is free Prefinals Peacock Fundraiser Classic 11:30 to 1:50pm.

Anyone who attends must remember the following rules.
Social distancing groups of 4 with no exceptions...

CBHK: Spring 2021 Playoffs Schedule & Rink Codes of Conduct Reminder

on May 28th 2021
CBHK members,

This Sunday is the start of the Spring 2021 CBHK Playoffs. Games begin at 9:00 and go until 19:00.

The games are as follows …

9:00AM - 11:30AM: The Butt Cutters V Mustang
11:30AM - 2:00PM: Urkels V Neato Burritos
2:00PM - 4:30PM: The Ruckus V Vikings
4:30PM - 7:00pm: The Human Beings V Wing Knights


The Spring 2021 Online Draft and Week 1 Games are this Weekend!

on Mar 12th 2021
CBHK Members,

Tomorrow is the Spring 2021 Online Draft event. On Sunday 03/14 is the start of the Spring 2021 season.

We encourage everyone to check out the stream of the draft on our Facebook page.

There will also be a Google spreadsheet that will update live as the draft happens. Spring 2021 Registration Info and Fall 2020 Finals Dates
on Mar 5th 2021
CBHK members

It is with a happy heart that we announce the start of the Spring 2021 season. While access to the rink has been limited since the end of last season we are allowed back to play starting this Sunday. There is a lot to cover in this email so let’s get on with it.

The Fall 2020 season semi-finals will be played starting at noon this coming Sunday. Before that...

CBHK: Update Regarding Spring 2021 Season and Fall 2020 Playoffs

on Feb 3rd 2021
We would like to provide a brief update on the state of the league and how we are planning to move forward, should the current restrictions be lifted in the coming weeks.

As it stands right now, the rink is currently open. However, for the time being, playing on it is limited to 4 people at once. This obviously doesn’t work for us, but it is a positive sign, as only a few weeks ...

Fall 2020 Semi-Final Playoffs and Banquet Are Postponed

on Dec 5th 2020
CBHK Members,

As most people already know, due to COVID-19 restrictions we were told not play the CBHK semi-finals this weekend. At this time we are not certain of when we can return to the rink to finish the playoffs but we are optimistic that it can happen within this month.

For similar reasons the banquet (originally scheduled for Dec 12) has also been postponed. ...

Fall 2020 Registration is open

on Aug 4th 2020
Dear CBHK Members.

With things opening up around Seoul, we have been informed that, starting next week, the rink will be re-opening. There will be new COVID-19 guidelines on how to act at the rink. Going forward, we are optimistic about having a full fall season, but there is no guarantee that this will occur.

As most people already know, we are looking to get thi...

CBHK: Spring 2020 Season Update, Tournament and Refunds

on May 14th 2020
CBHK Members,

We have been informed by the Jamsil Sports Complex manager that our rink will not be available until some time in June (at the earliest). Due to this, any chance of having a season seems out of reach. The board is still working on a number of scenarios for us to have a multi-week tournament so we can at least play with the teams we were drafted on. Information about...

Games may return this weekend. League gathering at Route 66 this Saturday at 19:00.

on Apr 28th 2020
CBHK Members,

In trying times such as these we always look to find some light at the end of the tunnel. Well that day may be upon us now.

We have spoken to the rink manager and he thinks there is a possibility of starting our CBHK season in the next two weeks - even as early as this coming Sunday. As of now we do not have any confirmation of that but as soon as we...

Season Update / Sunday April 19th Games Have Been Postponed

on Apr 17th 2020
CBHK League Members,

The CBHK Board would like you to know that we are doing everything in our power to get the season started without breaking any government rules. This marks another week where there just is not a rink, to our standards, that is open for us to use, due to COVID-19 restrictions. We are generally optimistic that we will be allowed back at our Jamsil rink in the n...

Spring 2020 Season Early Bird Information

on Jan 8th 2020
Happy New Year to the CBHK!

Here is some early-bird information for the upcoming Spring 2020 Season.

As a reminder there is a forum for anyone who may need to ask a question and our Facebook page will respond within 24 hours to any messages.

We woul...


on Jul 18th 2019
FALL 2019 - REGISTRATION OPENED 1. LEAGUE FEES: Early Bird Fee – 150,000 won, if paid before 11:59PM on August 15th, 2019. Regular Fee- 160,000 won, if paid after 11:59PM on August 15th, 2019. All league payments must be received by August 30th, 2019 (NO EXCEPTIONS). ALL ROOKIES are excluded from any late penalties and will pay the early bird fee, regardless of when ...

League Townhall at BoC this Sunday, June 23 at 5pm

on Jun 21st 2019
The biannual CBHK Townhall is being held this Sunday at BoC. Please let your captain know if you plan on attending. The survey results, league finances and next season will be topics of discussion and if league members have other issues or concerns they can address them there. Keep in mind, this is a chance to provide feedback, not a referendum where you make a suggestion, ask for a sho...


on Mar 19th 2019
Due to complaints from the Gu-Office, we have been warned TWO weeks in a row NOT TO SMOKE AT THE RINK. This includes cigarettes, vapes and hookahs. One more complaint and we could lose the rink and the league so please take this seriously. Jason Lee is meeting the rink manager this Sunday morning and will find out where smoking is permitted. He will tell all the captains who will inform ...

Mar 2 Draft Party at Phillies!!!

on Feb 27th 2019
This Saturday the Draft Party will kick off at Phillies at 5:30pm. The party will be hosted by Jason Lee and Eric McCune. The live draft is one of the biggest events of the season and a fun time for all except for highly sensitive lower round players whose self-esteem is tied to where they get picked. Those are the only players who might want to skip this. As for the rest... Free beer for a...

Spring 2019 Season Registration Information

on Feb 11th 2019

Early Bird Fee – 140,000 won.
Regular Fee- 160,000 won, if paid after 11:59 PM on February 20th, 2019.

ALL FEES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM on FEBRUARY 28th, 2019. If payment is not received prior to this time you will not be permitted to play this season.

ALL ROOKIES are excluded from any late penalties and will...

Townhall to be held at BoC on Jan 26 at 5pm

on Jan 18th 2019
The biannual league townhall will be held at BoC. The survey is also being sent out by email today. Please take a few minutes to fill it out to give us some feedback. There will be some beer served at the townhall but please RSVP in the forum or let Cory Petit, Zack Wilson, Jason Lee, Marc-Andre Gagnon, or Rob Gibson know if you plan on attending as BoC would like a rough estimate of number...

Sunday Sep 9 First Ever Skills Clinics to be Held at 2 and 5pm!

on Sep 6th 2018
This Sunday we will be holding 2 stickhandling clinics at the rink, one at 2pm and another at 5pm. They will be conducted over by the stadium where the surface is smoother than a baby's bottom. Bessy, Eisler Zack Wilson and one more CBHK superstar will be conducting the clinics which will be 20 minutes long. The focus will be on hand positioning and learning a couple of drills to work on at...

CBHK: Fall 2018 Draft Party Information

on Aug 29th 2018
CBHK Members.

The draft party will be Saturday, September 1st and will be held at Phillies in HBC. The draft starts at 6:00pm and there will be loads of free beer for everyone! Doors are open all day so come by anytime!

Royal Dogs will also be on sale for 5,000 won and there will be a food special so make sure to come with an empty stomach!

To the ro...

CBHK: 2018 Fall Season Information & Registration

on Jul 17th 2018
The basic information information for the upcoming 2018 Fall Season. For more detailed information refer to the threads on the forum. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: League Fees: Early Bird Fee – 150,000 won. Regular Fee- 170,000 won, if paid after 11:59 PM on August 15th, 2018. ALL FEES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM on AUGUST 30th, 2018. If payment ...

CBHK: 2018 Spring Season Information & Registration

on Dec 30th 2017
Please refer to the forum for the 2018 Spring Season Schedule and Registration Information. Registration Information is also below. Registration Information: League Fee: Early Bird – 135,000 won if paid prior to February 1st , 2018. Regular Fee- 150,000 won if paid after February 1st , 2018. Please transfer your fees to the following: Name: Cory Robert Pettit Shinhan Bank (?...

CBHK: Fall 2017 Awards Banquet Information

on Dec 5th 2017
This Saturday will be the CBHK Fall 2017 Season Semi-finals and Finals, followed by the Fall 2017 Awards Banquet.

The semi-finals game schedule is as follows
10:00am - 10:35am The BNB Hustle vs Phillies HeBrews
10:40am - 11:15am Route 66 Lil Pups vs Dillingers Lights Out
11:20am - 11:55am The BNB Hustle vs Phillies HeBrewss
12:00pm -...

CBHK: Fall 2017 Quarterfinals Schedule This Sunday

on Nov 27th 2017

Congrats to all those who advanced to the quarter finals

Sunday Dec 3rd 2017

10:00am - 12:30pm Phillies HeBrews V BOC Killa Beez 12:30pm - 3:00pm Shenanigans Slumlords V The BNB Hustle 3:00pm - 5:30pm Wolfhound Fighting Irish V Route 66 Lil Pups 5:30pm - 8:00pm JR Pub Last Call V Dillingers Lights Out

CBHK: Fall 2017 Playoff Schedule This Week

on Nov 22nd 2017
Here is the schedule for the CBHK Fall 2017 pre-playoffs and Round 1 playoffs.

Saturday November 25th 2017
2:00pm - 4:30pm Shenanigans Slumlords V Phillies Fightin Pheasants
4:30pm - 7:00pm BOC Golden Seals V Wolfhound Fighting Irish

Sunday November 26th 2017
10:00am - 12:30pm Phillies HeBrews V BOC Killa Beez...

Fall 2017 Pub Crawl this Saturday Oct 21st 2017 in Itaewon

on Oct 17th 2017
Saturday Oct 21st will be our seasonal league pub crawl. All league members are welcome to join in and have a blast as we traverse Itaewon and show the love to our sponsors that they have always shown us.

There will be lots of free drinks and great food deals for all who attend. Also we will surely be playing a medley of drinking games, including Flip Cup, Pass the Pitcher, Beer ...

Hockey Day Korea 2017!

on Oct 13th 2017


CBHK: Rookie Party This Saturday! (Free Beer)

on Sep 12th 2017
On Saturday September 16th 2017 at 6:30pm we celebrate our rookies. The hard working fresh fish who don't know any better than to dump it up the middle.

All rookies are strongly encouraged to join in the fun. Even though the rookies drink for free this is an event that shouldn't be missed by any CBHK member.

This season we will be starting at Bull & Barrel, in ...

CBHK: Fall 2017 Registration Information

on Jul 19th 2017
Registration Is Open!

For the full information please go to this thread (Website account required).

Final Schedule.

Saturday, August 5 - Town hall and volunteer luncheon
Sunday, August 27 - First rookie pick-up
Saturday, September 2 - Final rookie pick-up and Draft Party
Sunday, September 3 - Wee...

April 22nd 2017 Tournament Details

on Mar 2nd 2017
As we do at least once a year the CBHK is hosting a tournament to bring together good friends, meet new players and welcome teams from cities outside of Seoul. As an added bonus this season one of the CBHK original members, Shawn Amirault (9th all time in points) is coming from Hanoi with ...

CBHK: Spring 2017 Draft Info / CBHK Swag!

on Feb 17th 2017
CBHK Members.

The CBHK Spring 2017 season is one week away from kick off and here is everything you need to know!!

We are currently full at 120 members and have started a waiting list.

If you're a rookie you need to attend at least one rookie game in order to be allowed in the draft list. The reason for this is that we have 10 captains who need ...

Changes to the 2017 Spring Schedule

on Jan 25th 2017
WHEN: The 2017 Spring League calendar is as follows. February 19th (Sunday): The first MANDATORY (free) rookie camp. February 25th (Saturday): The second MANDATORY (free) rookie camp. Note: All rookies must attend one of these camps Failure to do so will prevent you from playing this season. February 26th through to May 14th (Every Sunday): Regular Season Games begin. Note...

CBHK: Spring 2017 Season Registration Information

on Jan 10th 2017
CBHK Spring 2017 Registration Info.
Season 17 of the CBHK is less than 7 weeks away and as always there are over 100 excited vets and rookies eager to get their names on the draft list. As a reminder anyone is welcome to sign up. It's a first come first serve basis so secure your spot in the draft ASAP. This season we will only have 120 members.
Rookie camps will be held on Februa...

Korean team wins Asia ball hockey tourney

on Nov 30th 2016
Congratulations to Team Korea on its win at the inaugural ISBHF Asia Ball Hockey Championships this past weekend in Hong Kong! Korea edged out Hong Kong in a thrilling championship game by a final score of 7-3.
Korea now has its sights firmly set on the World Championships taking place next June in Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Congratulations to both teams from CBHK that competed h...

CBHK: Hockey Day Korea Recap

on Nov 21st 2016
The first-ever Hockey Day Korea turned out to be a tremendous success on Saturday, November 5th with the Canadian Ambassador Eric Walsh, the Korea Women’s Ice Hockey Team and coach Sarah Murry, as well as the Korea Herald all on hand to show our future hockey stars a wonderful impression of ball hockey. The kids that took part were all-smiles and CBHK would like to thank all volunteers for th...

CBHK: Hockey Day Korea Nov 5th Announcement

on Nov 1st 2016
HDK 2016!
Hockey Day Korea (HDK) 2016 will be held at our home rink in Jamsil next Saturday, November 5th from 12-4pm!
Eric Walsh, Canadian Ambassador to Korea will be on hand for the opening ceremony.
As well, Sarah Murray, coach of the Korea Women’s National Ice Hockey team will attend along with 8 national team players! The Korea Times and Korea Herald will also be on hand ...

Fall 2016 Season - Draft Announcement & Schedule

on Aug 27th 2016
The CBHK Fall 2016 season is exactly one week away from kick off and here is everything you need to know.
At this current time there is only 1 spot left in the roster and the list will probably be full by Monday. These past 6 seasons it has been the case almost every time that we fill up a week before the draft. The league doesn't do a ton of adverting and yet people still discover and ...

CBHK: Fall 2016 Registration Information

on Jul 6th 2016
Howdy folks,

Fresh off the east coast Seokcho tour, the traveling CBHK Circus is coming town this Fall!

The schedule for the Fall 2016 season looks like this:

August 28th and September 3rd - Rookie Camp/Draft Party(Sep 3)

Regular Season
10 weeks of games!
September 4th -...

Summer Pick Up starts on Sun June 19!

on Jun 13th 2016
First summer pick up session starts this week. Please sign up for it in the forum.

CBHK: Spring 2016 Registration Information

on Jan 20th 2016
Listen..... Do you smell that? That's the sound of beer-laced sweat soon floating to a nostril near you. That can only mean one thing, hockey is back for Spring 2016. Before that you'll have the opportunity to twist and shout at the Biannual Town-hall meeting to be held at Beer O'Clock on Saturday, February 6th @ 5pm. We'll discuss 2015 Fall Season feelings, regrets, snubs, captains, sponsor...

CBHK Fall 2015 Finals and Banquet Information

on Dec 1st 2015
CBHK League Members

Well thats a wrap! Another excellent CBHK season. Weather really wasn't on our side but we managed to not let that change much. Now it's time to watch the finals and celebrate at the banquet!

And all of that is taking place this Saturday!

Note: Before we announce the finals and banquet we want to remind everyone that the...

Hockey Day Korea!

on Nov 11th 2015
This event has been postponed.

This coming Saturday, November 14, CBHK will host the inaugural “Hockey Day Korea – Support Youth, Play Hockey!” event at our home rink in Jamsil. Distinguished guests on hand include Jim Paek, Korean Men’s National Ice Hockey Coach; Sarah Murray, the Women’s National Coach as well as Mr. Eric Walsh, the Canadian Ambassador to Korea. The K...

2015 Fall Registration Information

on Jun 28th 2015
Registration for the CBHK Fall 2015 is now open. Here is everything you need to know! This season will be 11 weeks of regular season weeks and 3 weeks of playoffs. We need 110 people to have 10 teams and will cap the roster at 130 people. Cost to play and attend the events will be 140,000 won before August 15th and 150,000 won after August 15th. To register and pay please transfer you...

2015 Spring Season Registration

on Jan 11th 2015
The spring season is set to begin on Mar 1. It includes at least 13 and up to 15 weeks of hockey, a team shirt, mouth guards for rookies, a draft party, an awards banquet, and a few more parties during the season. Rookies must either come out to a pick up session between now and the draft or attend one of the two free rookie pick up games on Sun Feb 22 from 2:30-5pm or Sat Feb 28 from 11:30-...

2014 Fall Registration Info

on Jun 30th 2014
The league will kick of the new season on Aug 31. The regular season will only run for 10 weeks plus 3 for the playoffs. This means the season will end on Nov 29 instead of mid-December. This is due to concerns about snow during the playoffs and finals. Because of the shortened season, the fees will be 130,000w and include 11 guaranteed weeks of hockey, a team shirt, booze at the draft party...

Free Pick Up on Long Weekend

on Apr 24th 2014
The league is offering free pick up for the May 3-6 long weekend but we need players to sign up for it by Mon, Apr 28. Go to the pick up thread in our website and sign up for the days and times you are interested in. We will book the rink if we have 12 players and 2 goalies. We cap each session at 20 players. GAME ON!

Rookie Pick Up

on Feb 17th 2014
Rookies who haven't played in pick up or won't be in this weekend's tournament must come out for one of the two rookie pick up games to give captains a chance to see them before the draft. Rookies who don't come out will not removed from the draft list, their money will be refunded, and they will be replaced by someone on the waiting list. The first rookie pick up game is on Sun Feb 23 from ...

Phillies Tournament Schedule and Party Info

on Feb 17th 2014
Here is the schedule for Sunday Every team has one back to back game. Captains, please let us know who will be serving as refs from your teams. We need at least two per team. Game #1: 9:30-9:55 - Leafs vs Ibbitson Game #2: 10-10:25 - Leafs vs Vaz Game #3: 10:30-10:55 - Phillies vs Vaz Game #4: 11-11:25 - Phillies vs Ibbitson Game #5: 11:30-11:55 -DanFo vs Leafs Game #6: ...

CBHK Spring 2014 Season Announcement

on Dec 25th 2013
The Rookie pick-up games will be Sun Feb 23 and Sat Mar 1 and the deadline for paying and registering will be Mar 1 at 12pm. All new players must either attend one of these games or an open pick up session in Jan or Feb to be eligible to play in the spring season. The fees will be 160,000w if you pay before Feb and 170,000w from Feb. How do you pay? By bank transfer transfer at KEB accoun...

First weekend of playoffs

on Nov 26th 2013
Congratulations to everyone who participated and helped out to make Fall 2013 CBHK Season a successful one. There will be lots of ball hockey action on Saturday to determine how the standings will fall for Sunday's big post-season kickoff! (or is "post-season ball drop" more appropriate?) Due to weather the final block of last Sundays's games had to be postponed and will be made up Satur...

Stick Lockers, Photographers, and Groove Concert Tickets!

on Oct 3rd 2013
Stick Lockers Boys, don't put your stick in any locker. The lockers have team names on them. For JR Suomamis, use the locker with Scrooges on it. You are sharing the locker with one or two other teams. At the start of the day, all stick will be taken out of the lockers and placed on the floor. When your game is done and your team meeting is over, please put your sticks back in the locker nic...

RMT Beer Olympics Fri Sep 27

on Sep 25th 2013
This Friday, September 27th, RMT will be hosting the CBHK Beer Olympics. Come relive your glory days from college and show that those 5 years weren't wasted on nothing. Compete in events like beer pong, darts, fooseball, quarters, flip cup, and waterfall. You will be competing against the other 9 CBHK teams. The winning team will get a bottle of Jager and the runner up will get a bottle of tequ...

Season 11, Rookie pickup & Draft Party

on Aug 28th 2013
Sept 1st will officially kick off the 11th CBHK season. We have had some 600+ players in the 5 years our league has been around and we continue to grow and evolve every season. Things kick off Saturday at 1:00pm for the second and final rookie pick-up. If you you're a rookie and you have not come out to show your gumption and speak to the captains then this is the last time you will be able ...

Fall League Info

on Jul 24th 2013
Fall League Info: The CBHK Fall Season is just around the corner. The cost for the fall season is 140,000w if you pay before August and 150,000w from August 1. The deadline for payment is August 31 but with 140 spots available, it’s first come first served. There will be a waiting list in case players decide to back out. Pay early to guarantee yourself a spot. How do you pay? By bank tr...

CBHK Corner: The Final Battle (2012 Fall Championship Video)

on Jan 20th 2013
Check out this video created by our very own Rajnesh Sharma reporting on the 2012 Fall Season Championship games played on a wet surface, providing for some very entertaining footage. Thanks Rajnesh! CBHK Corner: The Final Battle (YouTube)