The Rookie pick-up games will be Sun Feb 23 and Sat Mar 1 and the deadline for paying and registering will be Mar 1 at 12pm. All new players must either attend one of these games or an open pick up session in Jan or Feb to be eligible to play in the spring season.
The fees will be 160,000w if you pay before Feb and 170,000w from Feb.
How do you pay? By bank transfer transfer at KEB account number 620-204950-746. After making the transfer, please text or email me so I can check and confirm receiving the payment. My phone number is 010-9028-3469 and my email is If you are out of the country and wish to reserve a spot, have a friend pay for you. No spots will be saved without a payment.
130 players, including the 10 captains, will be the max. No exceptions. If you are currently a league member or have been a member in the past, you will be given first dibs up to Feb if you pay. From Feb, it's first pay first play.
Fees include a mouth guard (for rookies), team shirts, beer at the draft party, the awards banquet, and at least 13 weeks of hockey and up to 16 depending on how your team does in the playoffs.
So far we have the following players lined up to captain: Justin Hamilton, John Hawkins, John Bender, Brad Turner, Sean MacDonald, Scott Lumsden, Greg Bessette, and Teddy Marks
There are several others who have also expressed interest and we should have the list finalized by mid January.
Happy new years to everyone!

CBHK Spring 2014 Season Announcement
Posted on 25/12/13