The Workshop
Monstarz Pub

Phillies Tournament Schedule and Party Info

Posted on 17/2/14
Here is the schedule for Sunday

Every team has one back to back game. Captains, please let us know who will be serving as refs from your teams. We need at least two per team.

Game #1: 9:30-9:55 - Leafs vs Ibbitson
Game #2: 10-10:25 - Leafs vs Vaz
Game #3: 10:30-10:55 - Phillies vs Vaz
Game #4: 11-11:25 - Phillies vs Ibbitson
Game #5: 11:30-11:55 -DanFo vs Leafs
Game #6: 12-12:25 - DanFo vs Vaz
Game #7: 12:30-12:55 - Leafs vs Phillies
Game #8: 1-1:25 - Ibbitson vs Vaz
Game #9: 1:30-1:55 - Ibbitson vs Danfo
Game #10: 2-2:25 - Phillies vs Danfo

Semifinals #1 - 2:50-3:20
Semifinals #2 - 330-4
Finals 430:5:15pm.

Because Team Danfo plays the last two games of the round robin, they will play in the second semi final. The semi-finals will be the first vs fourth seeds and the second vs third. The winners play in the final.

The Party will start at 8pm at Phillies Bar in HBC. They have an all you can drink special from 8-midnight for 25,000w. This includes John Smiths and Cass Beer, House wine, and House cocktails. For 32,000w you get all you can drink plus a meal. The meal options include hamburgers, chicken burgers, or pita hummus.

Wives, Girlfriends and pals are all welcome to come. Phillies will also be showing the Canada-Sweden bronze medal game at 2am.