The spring season is set to begin on Mar 1. It includes at least 13 and up to 15 weeks of hockey, a team shirt, mouth guards for rookies, a draft party, an awards banquet, and a few more parties during the season.
Rookies must either come out to a pick up session between now and the draft or attend one of the two free rookie pick up games on Sun Feb 22 from 2:30-5pm or Sat Feb 28 from 11:30-2pm.
The draft and draft party will be on Sat Feb 28 and the season will begin the next day.
Fees are 150,000w before Feb 15. From Feb 15 the fees are 160,000w. You can pay buy bank transfer or cash at the rink. Transfer your money to Rob Gibson at KEB #620-204950-746. After you transfer the money please text him at 010-9028-3469, kakao message him, or email him to let him know so he can confirm that he received your money.
For ten teams, we need a minimum of 110 and will cap it at 120. If we have under 110, we will cut two teams and cap the number at 104. The players who pay first are on the draft list. No reservations. If you are out of the country and wish to save yourself a spot, have a buddy pay for you.
There will be a one week break in April for a Saturday tournament and the Sunday will be used for make up games if needed. There will also be an empty weekend in May for make up games if needed.
Playoffs will begin Sat May 30 for the bottom four teams (if we have ten teams) and Sunday May 31 will be round one. The semi-finals will be on Sunday June 7 and the finals and awards banquet will be on Saturday June 13.
Hope to see you all out at the rink for some pick up!

2015 Spring Season Registration
Posted on 11/1/15