Monstarz Pub
The Workshop

CBHK: 2018 Fall Season Information & Registration

Posted on 17/7/18
The basic information information for the upcoming 2018 Fall Season. For more detailed information refer to the threads on the forum.


League Fees:

Early Bird Fee – 150,000 won.

Regular Fee- 170,000 won, if paid after 11:59 PM on August 15th, 2018.

ALL FEES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM on AUGUST 30th, 2018. If payment is not received prior to this time you will not be permitted to play this season.

ALL ROOKIES are excluded from any late penalties and will pay the early bird fee, regardless of when payment is made, as long as it's paid prior to 12:00 noon on Saturday, September 1st, 2018.

Please transfer your fees to the following:

Name: Cory Robert Pettit

Shinhan Bank ( ???? ) Account #: 110-361-331157


After transferring your fee please contact Cory at 010 6687 8144, via kakao: coryp or by email at Please provide your full name and payment details.