The biannual CBHK Townhall is being held this Sunday at BoC. Please let your captain know if you plan on attending.
The survey results, league finances and next season will be topics of discussion and if league members have other issues or concerns they can address them there.
Keep in mind, this is a chance to provide feedback, not a referendum where you make a suggestion, ask for a show of hands to support it, and your 7 drunk friends raise their hands and it officially becomes new league policy.
Usually the board and HC talk about the suggestions and if they are practical and we think they'll make the league better, we implement them.
There will also be free beer!
Again, plz RSVP! Looking forward to seeing you there but if we don't, have a great summer break and see you in the fall.

League Townhall at BoC this Sunday, June 23 at 5pm
Posted on 21/6/19