The Craic House
Monstarz Pub
The Workshop

CBHK: Spring 2021 Playoffs Schedule & Rink Codes of Conduct Reminder

Posted on 28/5/21
CBHK members,

This Sunday is the start of the Spring 2021 CBHK Playoffs. Games begin at 9:00 and go until 19:00.

The games are as follows …

9:00AM - 11:30AM: The Butt Cutters V Mustang

11:30AM - 2:00PM: Urkels V Neato Burritos

2:00PM - 4:30PM: The Ruckus V Vikings

4:30PM - 7:00pm: The Human Beings V Wing Knights

Each block will be a best-of-three series of 35 minute games. On the following Sunday will be the semi-finals and the season will conclude on Saturday June 12th.

Recently there has been tougher regulations enforced at the rink from the management there. Please read these 4 rules carefully and practice them or you will be asked to leave.

1. No standing or sitting in groups of more than 4 people. There is no excuse for this. If you see a cluster forming you must tell people to move away.

2. We received our second warning about smoking. There’s no smoking next to the rink or near the bike track or any other area being used by other members of the public. Groups of people smoking and talking are an easy target for complaints. Be courteous to other people using the complex by not smoking in the same vicinity.

3. Masks must always be worn and above your nose. The only excuse is if you are drinking water. This includes while playing.

4. We have also been told that eating at the rink is no longer allowed. This is likely meant as a deterrent from staying around too long before and after your games.

We need everyone to abide by these rules for the next 3 weeks so that we are in good standing with the management and hopefully come the fall we won’t even need to worry about any of them.

Let’s all be smart and respectful and let’s make this another classic CBHK Playoffs

Game on!