The Workshop
The Craic House
Monstarz Pub

An Update Regarding The Fall 2021 Season (Nothing before 09/11)

Posted on 24/8/21
The Sports Complex manager has informed us that that are not taking any bookings for at least another week and that we will not be able to book the rink before Saturday September 11th. That could also be extended longer.

This means our season will be shorter than usual. We are still waiting to know when we can start it.

Playing over Chusok (September 18-22) is not an option.

Also we are planning to have a smaller league this season. Only 6 teams this season, so spots will be limited.

As soon as we have an idea when the league can start we will inform about the dates and costs.

We will update the league as information becomes available.

Game on (soon)!